English Discussion between the British premier Rishi Sunak und Elon Musk about the impact of AI

This is a pretty nice discussion between the British premier Rishi Sunak und Elon Musk about the impact of AI. It is consense that AI could have a downside and that the very fast development of AI could run out of control.
But there is even more likely a possible Upside. Musk claims "There will come a time when no job will be necessary". Will this be good or will this be a nightmare?

Well, AI is of course a powerful tool and depending of its use it can be helpful or horror. The large demand for grey energy is still a big disadvantage.
Concerning the video:
I've heard Musk enough times to imagine what he has to say about it. Maybe I'll watch the video at some point, but at the moment it doesn't interest me at all.
I'm absolutely no fan of Musk, who supports statements of Nazis and such things. In my opinion he is dangerous because he combines power and megalomania and isn't at all interested in environmental protection which is very important not only for other creatures but also for the mankind.
It is consense that AI could have a downside and that the very fast development of AI could run out of control.Very likely, as we can already see from deepfakes and criminal use.
But there is even more likely a possible Upside.Whether there will be more downside or more upside is still an open question and depends on people and their usage.
Musk claims "There will come a time when no job will be necessary". Will this be good or will this be a nightmare?How do people feel who are bored ?
I don't know anybody and haven't heard of anybody who like it. Persons like to do something that makes sense. And I think, humans need to do something, they feel better with a kind of work or employment. Children without something to do become very unsatisfied.
In future only being lazy or having a minimum of program like breeding pigs to keep healthy ?
I think that before such a time comes, people will have such other big problems that the development of (not only) AI will be severely interrupted...
But nevertheless AI is interessting, of course ;-)

Dear skys,
independently of whether you like Musk or not, this is a very interesting interview. The questions that are being asked by the well informed British Premier are good ones.
And Musk is - after all - very successful in his work. It is believed by many that his companies are also leading in AI, despite the frequent warnings of Musk of its danger.